One man band 11 sync start stop
One man band 11 sync start stop

one man band 11 sync start stop

Anyone that wants a weird loop pedal that does interesting things and can synchronize with a MIDI setup should check out the LP2. This odd (as in odd time signature not weird) replacement feature (1/10!) makes the LP2 unique and can generate some very strange and amazing loops quite quickly once you learn how the 4 buttons interface with eachother. I have yet to fully experiment with this kind of metric modulation with the MIDI sync. It might be a bit confusing when dealing with replace functions like 1/9 which divides the loop (assumed to be 4/4) into 9 equal parts or 1/7 which divides the loop into 7 equal parts. The MIDI clock input assumes 4/4 timing coming in." The LP2 will synchronize to a MIDI clock on the MIDI in port when you record a new loop with MIDI present. The MIDI clock assumes that the loop is one measure and that you are in 4/4 timing. "The LP2 provides MIDI clock message on the MIDI out port whenever a loop is playing. I'm really not concerned about expectations over how perfect it should be, all I want is something that locks the loop to the tempo and the LP2 seems to deliver.

one man band 11 sync start stop

The MIDI sync seems to work nicely as a slave to Ableton Live. I'll keep trying feeback pedals though and hope. Even if the feedback control is broken and not user error I would keep this pedal because I love it so much.


It would be nice if the manual or Looperlative website had power supplies and feedback controllers or at least a list of ones that work with the LP2. Different but effective and allows me to run effects seperate from the loop channel. Anyway I rectified this problem by running a stereo split to my Peavey Special 130 and using the FVC100 after the LP2 to control the loop volume.

one man band 11 sync start stop

I haven't had any luck with the feedback control, I've tried a Roland EV5 and a Behringer FVC100 and can't seem to make any difference in the sound of the loop feedback. It doesn't come with a power supply but I tried both a Jim Dunlop and Mutec 9v/200ma that I use to run my Boss/Digitech pedals and they both work fine. I was looking for MIDI sync, reverse, and 1/2 time which the LP2 has along with 1/4 speed and a whole spectrum of loop dividing replace functions, undo, and 8 song slots for saving loops. Both of those pedals are delays with looping capabilities but this LP2 is a dedicated looper only. My background in the loop pedal market has been limited to the loop functions on the Digitech Digidelay and the Line 6 DL4.

One man band 11 sync start stop